The Business Review is the chance for the Agency to lay all their cards on the table. Quantum Resolve will have department interviews to go over current business requirements/practices. The Agency should come to the table with current processes and flows along with all supporting documentation. A review is needed of how Hansen V7, or their legacy system, is currently being used. The method of working backwards is also very handy in these cases and, with many agencies, the final reports that go to management are a good place to start. When the reports are generated/created, the information is collected from a source and it is the goal of QR to make that source as complete within IPS as possible. If QR can collect all the data elements required for these reports, and get them embedded in IPS, then these reports can be generated as easily as a push of a button.
The groups to be interviewed will be established by roles and modules used within the current system. Some members may end up serving on multiple groups depending upon how these groups are separated. Any auxiliary groups that may not use the current system, but may benefit from the results of IPS(such as financial reports), should either be represented during one of the defined groups or made a group of their own. Executive Management that may not participate in any one group may also want to become a separate group to establish their ultimate wants for the solution.
Along with collecting current business requirements from each of the groups, they will be asked for their wish lists. These should be items that either have never worked, didn’t work very well in the past, or items never even thought to be put into a system such as this. It is important that the groups do come to the table with these ideas having already had the core team training, so they can visualize ideas thrown back to them by QR suggesting solutions that are in IPS. If available and can be done quickly, a mockup of a solution might be suggested in IPS to demonstrate a particular solution.
As the QR team members have been doing Infor/Hansen migrations and new implementations for a while, they have developed their own best practices. As some of these may be of use to your Agency, they will be mentioned and walked through, where available, and should be considered by the Agency as potential add-ons to their business flows. Also reviewed at this time, are the forms themselves in IPS. A takeaway to the Agency will be screen shots of primary IPS forms and we will be requesting that they review and edit as they see fit. Fields that are not wanted or additional ones needed should be marked up on these screens. Other forms dealing with how activity codes and problem definitions relate to the system and constraints will also be given for the groups to review and complete.
All information from each of the different sections is added into a living document called the Business Process Requirements (BPR). This document will be the architectural plans for configuring the IPS solution. As these configurations get put into the system and then reviewed by the Agency, changes will inevitably happen and be requested. These changes will be noted and updated in the BPR to keep track of these requests. Note that a lot of discovery happens during this phase, and QR will strive to get all of the requests into IPS.